Aerial Gear / Stunt Rigging Gear

Harnessing the impossible

At the Ready: Our Comprehensive In-House Arsenal and Rapid-Response Network

We boast a vast in-house collection of stunt rigging gear, always prepped for immediate deployment to sets. For specialized needs, our network of expert riggers and contractors is on standby, ensuring every requirement is just a phone call away.

Wires: The Silent Heroes of Stunt Rigging:

  • Wires bridge the gap between imagination and reality in cinematic stunts.
  • They ensure gravity-defying feats are executed with precision and safety.

Types of Wires:

  • Static Wires:Used for support and stability during stunts.
  • Dynamic Wires:Allow for controlled swings, lifts, and falls.
  • Specialty Wires:Customized for specific stunts with unique tension, elasticity, or other properties.

Wire Coatings and Materials:

  • Stainless Steel:Strong and resistant to rust.
  • Galvanized Steel:Offers protection against corrosion.
  • Nylon-Coated:Provides smoother movement and reduces wear.
  • Dyneema:Known for its high strength-to-weight ratio and durability.
  • Tech 12:A popular choice for its flexibility and strength.

Safety and Maintenance:

  • Regular inspections for signs of wear, fraying, or damage.
  • Proper storage away from corrosive materials in controlled environments.

Harnesses: Essential Gear for Aerial Feats

  • We proudly use and offer harnesses from renowned companies like Climbing Sutra and Amspec.

Types of Harnesses:

  • Flying Harnesses:Designed for aerial stunts, allowing performers to "fly" or be suspended.
  • Stunt Vest:A favorite among professionals for its versatility.
  • Martial Arts (Hong Kong) Harness:Tailored for martial arts stunts.
  • Stunt Corset Harness:Designed for a snug fit without compromising mobility.
  • Ultra Swivel Harness:Allows for rotational movements during stunts.

Harnesses, especially from trusted brands like Climbing Sutra and Amspec, play a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and mobility of stunt performers, making every aerial feat possible.

Rigging Hardware: The Essential Connectors and Adjusters

Rigging hardware forms the backbone of any stunt setup, ensuring that all components are securely connected, adjusted, and aligned. These pieces of equipment might seem small, but their importance in ensuring safety and precision cannot be overstated:

  • Pulleys: Used to change the direction of a rope or cable, reducing the effort needed to lift or pull heavy loads.
  • Swivels: Allow for rotation, preventing ropes or cables from twisting and tangling during stunts.
  • Carabiners: Metal loops with spring-loaded gates, essential for quickly connecting components in a rigging system.
  • Shackles: U-shaped pieces of hardware used to attach ropes, chains, or other riggings. They come in various sizes and strengths.
  • Turnbuckles: Devices used to adjust the tension or length of ropes and cables.
  • Rigging Plates: Used to organize carabiners and ropes, ensuring a clean setup.
  • Descenders: Devices that allow controlled descent on a rope, crucial for rappelling or slow descents in stunts.
  • Ascenders: Used for climbing up ropes with a mechanical grip.
  • Rope Clamps/Grabs: Provide a secure grip on a rope, preventing it from slipping.
  • Rigging Rings: Circular hardware pieces that serve as anchor points or connection points in a rigging system.
  • Snatch Blocks: A type of pulley that can open on one side, allowing it to be placed anywhere along a rope or cable.
  • Quick Links: Oval or D-shaped connectors, similar to carabiners but with a screw closure.
  • Rigging Bolts and Anchors: Used to secure rigging systems to walls, ceilings, or floors.
  • Chain Connectors: Used to link chains or attach chains to other components.
  • Eye Bolts: Bolts with a looped head, used as anchor points.
  • Ratchet Straps: Used for securing equipment and ensuring tight connections.

Safety Gear: The Shield Behind Every Stunt

In the high-risk world of stunts and rigging, safety gear is the unsung hero, ensuring that every performer and crew member is protected from potential hazards. These pieces of equipment are designed to minimize risks and provide a safety net, quite literally in some cases:

  • Helmets: Essential head protection against impacts, falling objects, and other hazards.
  • Safety Nets: Positioned to catch performers in case of falls, ensuring a soft landing.
  • Pads and Protectors: Including knee pads, elbow pads, and chest protectors, these cushion impacts and protect against abrasions.
  • Fall Arrest Systems: Devices that stop a fall in progress, preventing injury.
  • Safety Harnesses: Worn by performers, these are designed to catch and support in case of a fall.
  • Safety Lines and Lanyards: Ropes or cables that connect a performer to a secure point, preventing falls.
  • Gloves: Protect hands from abrasions, burns, and impacts. Specialized versions exist for different tasks, such as rope handling or rigging.
  • Safety Glasses and Goggles: Protect the eyes from debris, sparks, and other hazards.
  • Ear Protection: Earplugs or earmuffs that protect against loud noises on set.
  • Respirators and Masks: Protect against dust, fumes, and other airborne hazards.
  • First Aid Kits: Essential for treating minor injuries on set.
  • Fire Extinguishers: Ready to tackle any unexpected fires.
  • Spotters' Pads: Used by spotters to protect performers during specific stunts.
  • Life Vests: For stunts involving water, ensuring the performer stays afloat.
  • Safety Cables: Secondary cables that act as a backup in case the primary system fails.
  • Emergency Evacuation Equipment: Including evacuation chairs and stretchers for safely moving injured individuals.

Safety gear is the foundation upon which every stunt is built. It ensures that even in the face of unexpected challenges, the safety of the performers and crew remains the top priority. Every piece of equipment is a testament to the industry's commitment to safety, ensuring that the magic of cinema is created without compromising well-being.

Winches and Track Systems: Powering Dynamic Movements

In the realm of stunt rigging, the ability to control and manipulate movement is paramount. Winches and track systems are the heart of this control, enabling precise, fluid, and dynamic actions that bring cinematic visions to life.

Our team, in collaboration with our esteemed contractors, has access to a vast array of solutions in this domain. This partnership grants us access to advanced systems, such as 3D Flying. Our versatile winch equipment, available through our contractors, can be utilized in multiple configurations to achieve complex and repeatable effects for stunts, special effects, and camera movements. Whether on a track, direct lift, or a 3D bridal, we have the capability to provide complete freedom in 3D space, ensuring every cinematic vision is realized with precision.

Variety and Versatility:

  • Winches: These powerful devices allow for the rapid winding and unwinding of cables, enabling swift and controlled movements. From compact winches for subtle movements to heavy-duty ones for grand stunts, our collection covers it all.
  • Track Systems: Designed to guide and control the path of a stunt, our track systems range from simple straight tracks to intricate multi-directional setups. They ensure smooth transitions, consistent speeds, and precise trajectories.

Behind-the-Scenes Essentials: The Tools That Power and Perfect Stunt Rigging

In the intricate ballet of stunt rigging, while the main equipment grabs the spotlight, there's a suite of essential tools and systems working diligently behind the scenes. These unsung heroes ensure that every stunt is executed seamlessly, safely, and with utmost precision.

  • Communication Devices: In the dynamic environment of stunts, clear and instant communication is non-negotiable. Devices like walkie-talkies and headsets become the lifelines, ensuring that every member of the team, from the director to the rigging crew, stays in sync.
  • Monitoring Systems: As stunts unfold, it's crucial to have a real-time pulse on every movement. Monitoring systems track parameters like tension, speed, and alignment, ensuring that equipment operates within safe and desired limits.
  • Power Systems: The heartbeats of many rigging setups, power systems like generators and power distribution units ensure that every piece of equipment gets the energy it needs. Whether it's a winch pulling a performer or lights illuminating a scene, reliable power is paramount.
  • Specialized Tools: Every stunt has its unique challenges, and specialized tools rise to the occasion. Whether it's adjusting the tension in a wire, repairing a piece of equipment on the fly, or setting up a specific scenario, these tools ensure that the team is always prepared.
  • Storage and Transport: The world of stunt rigging comes with a plethora of equipment, each with its place and purpose. Organizational tools like cases, bags, and carts ensure that everything is neatly stored, easily accessible, and ready for transport. After all, efficiency on set can make all the difference.

Together, these tools and systems form the backbone of any successful stunt rigging operation. They ensure that while the audience sees the magic on screen, behind the scenes, everything runs like a well-oiled machine.

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